BugHunter Pro and the VeriLogger Simulators

Chapter 5: VeriLogger Command Line Tools

Chapter 5: VeriLogger Command Line Tools

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Chapter 5: VeriLogger Command Line Tools

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This chapter describes how to launch the VeriLogger command line simulators (simx and vlogcmd) and the command line options available. Simx is the compiled-code simulator that comes with VeriLogger Extreme. Vlogcmd is the interpreted simulator that comes with VeriLogger Pro. This chapter also describes simxloader (the program that runs compiled simulation snapshots) and simxlib (a command line tool for creating/maintaining compiled libraries).

If you are using BugHunter as the graphical interface for another simulator, you can glance through this chapter to get an idea of what kinds of features might be available in your simulator. The exact syntax for the command line options will depend on the simulator you use.