SynaptiCAD Services

EDA, Mechanical, and Aero-Space Software Design Services

SolverCAD's team of engineers has a combined experience of 60+ man years in developing engineering software systems. Our principal engineers have a diverese engineering background in aerospace, electrical, and mechanical design. On the software front, we have experience with front-end graphical design, web-based and single system design, distributed computing, simulation, and computational software. We can create new programs or take existing codes and rework them for a more modern interface and language support. We also have extensive experience with creating ModelCenter models and plug-in software.

How We Do It

Most engineering software is created to solve a relatively narrow range of problems. Beyond these, it is difficult to modify, to the point where it often needs to be completely re-written. However, we find that it is no more expensive to write an extensible, general purpose application than a narrowly scoped one. Doing so then saves our customers the high expenses that come later on when the software has to be modified. It also creates far more robust solutions in the first place. We invest the time in correctly architecting our solutions which reduces lifetime costs and improves overall software quality. The ROI benefit of this approach is substantial for our customers.

OEM and Custom EDA Software

All SynaptiCAD's product interfaces can be licensed for incorporation into new EDA Products. Don't waste time working on non-core technology when SynaptiCAD can provide you with the front-end graphical interfaces and back-end parsers and translators. With our software, you can shave years off development time and deliver professional quality software in time to grab the market. SynaptiCAD can also be hired to write interface code.

  • Verilog and VHDL Parsers
  • System Verilog simulator like our VeriLogger Pro command line simulator
  • Waveform viewing like GigaWaveViewer which handles multi-gigabyte VCD files
  • Waveform Drawing like our like the interfaces of DataSheet Pro, our top-of-the-line Timing Diagram Editor
  • Code Editing and Debugging Interfaces like the design flow of BugHunter Pro multi-language debugger
  • VHDL and Verilog code generation from Waveforms like our Reactive TestBench Generation Option that can be included in our timing diagram products
  • Import and Export of EDA information like the Waveform Translation Features included in many of our products
  • Analog Waveform Display and code generation like Analog waveforms shown

Mechanical and Aero-Space Software Design

SynaptiCAD is an engineering services and software company. We create, integrate, and update engineering computation software rapidly using a combination of public domain engineering and math libraries and proprietary equation solver code. We are also developing a generic equation solver that will let customers create their own domain-specific computational applications.