Product Major Product Release January 21, 2002
SynaptiCAD Supports TestBuilder Development
BLACKSBURG, VA, January 21, 2002 - SynaptiCAD, the design technology leader for timing diagram editing
and test bench generation, today announced the release of TestBencher Pro v8.0, which adds support for
mixed C++ and HDL test benches using the open standard TestBuilder library. This library provides many
useful verification capabilities, including constrained random data generation, support for complex
data structures, and temporal assertion checking. TestBencher Pro provides designers with a graphical
environment for rapidly generating system level test benches composed of cycle-based or time-based bus
functional models. TestBencher generates all of the low-level transaction code, verification code, sequence
detection, error reporting, and file I/O code.
VHDL and Verilog test benches generated by TestBencher can optionally be linked to C++ code via the
TestBuilder C++ library. TestBuilder also provides an easier method for integrating C/C++ based models
into a test bench rather than using a "raw" PLI-based approach (C-based models are often used as a golden
reference to compare an RTL-level model against during simulation).

TestBencher Speeds TestBuilder Development
SynaptiCAD has also ported the TestBuilder source code to Windows, making it a truly cross-platform
solution. Dan Notestein, president of SynaptiCAD, said "For the first time, designers can get a complete
test bench development environment for under $20K per seat that works on both Unix and Windows platforms.
By combining TestBencher with the TestBuilder library, we've shattered the existing price barrier for
advanced test bench verification, and at the same time created a new standard for speed and ease of
use in test bench development."
TestBencher streamlines the process of creating TestBuilder-based test benches, making it easy for new
users to quickly get up and running with C++ based test bench development. Traditionally C++ based test
benches have required a verification engineer with significant knowledge of PLI-internals, a lot of
practical experience, and a lot of patience. Using the TestBencher/TestBuilder combination, you can
build a simple C++ based test bench from ground up in about twenty minutes.
TestBuilder Graphical Design Environment
TestBencher Pro can control external simulators through its graphical interface, so that compilation
and simulation of the project can be handled without having to exit TestBencher. This is particularly
useful for TestBuilder users because test benches are built using a C++ compiler and simulated using
a VHDL or Verilog simulator. With TestBencher, all of the details about the external compiler and simulator
are automatically handled, so that the test bench is seamlessly built and linked into the simulator
transparently each time the user updates his test bench source files. The generated test benches can
be compiled and simulated using all major VHDL and Verilog simulators. The user's C++ source files are
automatically compiled with either GNU gcc or Microsoft's C++ compiler. Waveform results and log files
from a simulation run are automatically imported and displayed inside TestBencher so that you develop
and test your design without needing to leave the TestBencher Pro development environment.
About TestBencher Pro System Level Design
TestBencher Pro generates VHDL and Verilog test benches using graphical timing diagrams, information
extracted from the model under test, and a top-level test bench file. The only code that the user writes
is at the system level (the top-level test bench file); all of the other code is automatically generated.
In the sequencer process of the top-level test bench file, the user specifies the order and logic in
which to apply the timing diagram transaction calls to the model under test by selecting from a list
of available transactions.
Contact Information
TestBencher Pro v8.0 is currently available on Solaris, HPUX, and Windows starting at $17,000. For more
information contact SynaptiCAD at phone (540)953-3390, email
Sales Office, or web site
TestBuilder is a free open source C++ class library that extends C++ into an advanced test bench development
language. For more information on TestBuilder contact Cadence at .