Press Release for major product release: August 20, 2008
Timing Diagram Editors add Mixed-Signal Capabilities
SynaptiCAD's timing diagram editors now
support mixed-signal TRO waveform import, Analog and
Digital waveform viewing, fast waveform state searching, and
faster performance when displaying large files. New versions
of DataSheet Pro and WaveFormer Pro, SynaptiCAD's timing
diagram editing and stimulus generation tools, are available
on Windows, Linux, and Solaris.

Improved Analog Waveform Support
The tools can now import binary TR0
waveform files generated by analog simulators such as
Synopsys HSPICE and Nascentric's OmegaSim during transient
response simulation. Ramon Acosta, VP of Engineering at
Nascentric reports that "We use SynaptiCAD's waveform
viewer to debug circuits within OmegaSim AMS, Nascentric's
analog mixed-signal Fast-SPICE simulator. I found it
intuitive to view, measure and combine imported waveforms
and to generate stimulus using WaveFormer."
New Mixed-Signal Import/Export Features
Both analog and digital waveforms from
Agilent's Mixed-Signal Oscilloscopes can now be imported
as timing diagrams into the timing diagram editors. The
imported waveforms can then in turn be translated into
test bench code or used to create stimulus for pattern
generators and ATE equipment.
The new versions are able to generate VCD
waveform files which can be used to feed ATE stimulus
flows. In addition, import of extended VCD files was
enhanced to recognize the input/output direction of the
waveform data. In a related enhancement, the tool's
ability to generate tri-state enable signals for pattern
generators was improved to recognize output data from the
device under test as a condition to tri-state drivers from
a pattern generator attached to bidirectional signals.
Improved Performance
The internal waveform compression engine
now compresses data sets up to 10x better than previous
versions for repeating waveform data (compression rates of
up to 2000 times smaller than VCD). Waveform repetitions
identified by the tools can be accessed by third-party
programs via a CORBA-based API. Rendering speed for
digital waveforms was also increased to handle extremely
large data sets.
New Viewing and Documentation Features
A number of new features were added for
viewing and editing timing diagrams. The Quick Search
control can search for occurrences of a user-specified bus
value in a selected set of signals. Time marker cursors
can be placed on the diagram to display the states of all
signals at a given point in time. Signal direction, export
state, and vertical position are now shown in the signal
label window. Geometric shapes such as ellipses and
rectangles can be annotated to a diagram to highlight
areas of interest. New tutorials were also added to
address topics such as creating and editing analog
waveforms, generating reactive test benches, and
performing automated comparison of sets of waveform data.
Pricing and Free Viewer Version
WaveFormer Pro is available on Linux,
Solaris, and MS Windows (including MS Vista). A perpetual
license sells for $2875 node locked on Windows. SynaptiCAD
also sells DataSheet Pro (an upgrade to WaveFormer that
includes the ability to embed linked OLE images into
documents and supports editing multiple diagrams
simultaneously), and Timing Diagrammer Pro (a reduced
version of WaveFormer without the waveform translation
features). WaveViewer, a free version capable of
displaying results of analog and digital simulations as
well as waveforms acquired from test equipment, is
available for download at .
Marketing Contact
For any questions concerning this press release please contact Donna Mitchell at 540-953-3390 or email
at [email protected]. High resolution images can be downloaded directly from SynaptiCAD's web site at